Welcome to The Leadership Development and Diagnostic Assessment Center

Mayor Jim Strickland visits our new location!
Mayor Jim Strickland visited us! Pictured from left to right, Kelly Bunch, Judge Roger McMillin, Mayor Jim Strickland, Dr. David Morris, Melyne Strickland, and Carolyn Hankins.

Background of the Founder and Rationale for the Project
The Center, located on South Front Street in Memphis, TN, is the culmination of Dr. Morris' extended planning to provide a service for Police and Fire Personnel that will meet the needs of individuals wishing to pursue a disciplined approach to the development of their leadership, talents, and skills.
While concentrating on police and fire protection, the principles of the Center and the skills it will assess and develop are easily as valuable to large private organizations that could provide a rich additional source of candidates to our economy.
Dr. David Morris has a long history of success both on the national and international level in the field of hiring and promotional testing for police and fire protection jurisdictions as well as large private corporations. Dr. Morris, the founder and President of Morris & McDaniel is a nationally recognized figure in the field. Morris & McDaniel was selected by the U.S. Department of Defense as the sole contractor to assist in developing selection and promotional process for the Iraqi Police Service and the Iraqi Military in the aftermath of the second Gulf War. Recently, Dr. Morris was invited by the U.S. State Department to conduct a week long seminar for the country of Moldova in Eastern Europe on the topic of recruiting, screening, training, and promoting for the Moldovan National Police Force operated under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Dr. Morris is a regular presenter at international conferences in the field of human resources in large organizations, including several appearances at Interpol's annual international forums held throughout the world.
In the course of that experience, Dr. Morris has become acquainted with, and, in fact, has developed strong bonds of friendship and professional respect with leaders at the highest level in the field of law enforcement and fire protection.
He has also seen, first hand, through his multiple years of working to assess candidates seeking internal promotion within those organizations, that there is a great need for a means of assisting fundamentally good, but basically unprepared, individuals on a career path that will lead them to positions of leadership where they can serve competently and professionally.
Diagnostic Assessments, Developmental Programs, and Assistance with Promotional and Hiring Decisions
The process entails an intense 3 day program. Individuals arrive at the Center and go though a professionally designed program, in their field, centered around management and leadership exercises.  At the end of the program, they will receive diagnostic feedback including their personal strengths as well as areas that need improvement.